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Western Australia Town Council Calls For Immediate Suspension of Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 Products

A new motion brought by the Port Hedland Council, in Western Australia, gets a 5-2 majority vote to "Call for an immediate suspension of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 products."

DNA contamination of both Pfizer and Moderna vaccines [which showed] levels 145 x higher then levels deemed safe by the TGA is of serious concern here. The councillors say there is "Clear scientific evidence that millions of Australians" could be, or have been, exposed to these risks.

Premier Roger Cook said the Port Hedland council had gone "off the rails" telling the town of Hedland to "stick to its knitting" meaning "services and people of that community."

The revelation of extreme DNA contamination and the companies and governments that are responsible for doing nothing about is being referred to as Plasmid Gate.


The recording of the council meeting has been sent to all 537 Australian councils, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, the Australian Federal Health Minister, Mark Butler with a request for a formal and public response,  captains of industry, shared extensively to the legal community, media and on all social media platforms

BACKGROUND.  Cairns News.  Nth QLD.  June 3, 2022

September 25, 2024

Port Hedland Council meeting.  WA.  October 11, 2024

Former Barrister at Law Julian Gillespie.   Substack.   October 13, 2024

ABC News.  October 14, 2024

November 19, 2024

Allow me to commend to you this 5 min speech by Russell Broadbent MP delivered yesterday in the Federation Chamber of Parliament House, speaking to the silence and inaction of the Prime Minister, after repeated letters from Russell on the findings and science concerning the synthetic DNA contamination within the Pfizer and Moderna drugs .. now we wait to see how Australia’s media will report on this seminal speech .. please share widely ..


~ Julian Gillespie.  Former Barrister at Law

Now that Port Headland Council has sent letters to every Australian council about the DNA contamination in the Pfizer and Moderna mNRA injections, we must all go to our next local council meetings and ask for a response to this letter.

This will require someone putting in a request to speak form and submitting their speech in writing. Check your local council website for instructions on how to do this.  The link to the document is below.  Annexure 3 is the main letter which links to various other documents that also need to be printed and provided to council.


On November 19, West Tamar Council in Tasmania followed in the footsteps of Port Hedland Council

Today, West Tamar Council voted to recognise the matter of reported excessive synthetic DNA in Australian vials of the Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines is a public advocacy issue with potential public health implications.

The West Tamar Council vote follows a vote by the Port Hedland Council last month to call for suspension of the mRNA Covid vaccines and to alert health practitioners and government officials of associated risks.

More updates to follow


🎯 It started with West Tamar...

"Cr Snedden has since tabled a similar motion to Port Hedland's with her West Tamar Council in Tasmania, that has passed!"

🎯 Then next off the rank was Ceduna...

South Australian Council supports the Port Hedland Motion to urge the PM to Suspend COVID Vaccines.

"The cracks in the dam are widening." (Mark Neugebauer)

Australian councils join call for action over DNA contamination in Covid mRNA vaccines.

"Two councils have thrown their support behind Port Hedland's historic motion of last month, calling for suspension of the shots" (Rebekah Barnett)

🎯 The Shire of Carnarvon  has sent a letter to the Federal and State health ministers, requesting transparent information that outlines benefits and potential considerations of Covid19 vaccines.

🎯 There has also been an interesting development with Nannup Council...

Jab safety activists take the win: In effort to 'short-circuit' activism, Nannup Council notifies health practitioners of DNA contamination in Pfizer and Moderna shots.

"...It appears that Cr Dean’s strategy of emailing Nannup health practitioners to “short-circuit” activism on this front has backfired." (Rebekah Barnett)

🎯 Several others have delivered potent speeches at their local councils in Kalgoorlie, Northern Beaches and City of Swan, all setting the ball in motion and raising much needed awareness! Get involved and join others to activate your council at  Port Hedland Motion Info.



Western Australia is rising up against Premier Roger Cook !




Western Australian Premier Roger Cook is facing a coup d'etat style challenge from the people of Port Hedland Council and their many local and international supporters at the Perth Convention & Exhibition Centre.


Friday November 29, 6pm in Perth

The heartbreaking moment Professor Ian Brighthope breaks down in front of thousands in Perth as he realises that 60 million deadly 'vaccines' have been administered to innocent Australians now causing death and turbo cancers.

Link to the entire debate


THERE IS NO SARSCOV2 VIRUS hence, there is no Covid19 Pandemic.


It is all a huge fraud.   All thanks to a wonderful German Engineer, Marvin Haberland, and a great American researcher Christine Massey and an incredible German biologist, Dr Stefan Lanka and many others Christine has proved through hundreds of FOI requests and responses, that the SARSCOV2 virus has never been isolated anywhere in the World.











When Greg Hunt, the then Australian Federal Health Minister was questioned in the Australian Parliament by Solihin Millin he responded with the following letter stating he was unable to prove the explicit existence of the SARSCOV2 virus other than through citing the results of a single pseudo-scientific experiment carried out by the Doherty Institute associated with the University of Melbourne in Australia.





For the results of a scientific experiment to be validated a second precisely similar experiment must be carried out without introducing the supposed causative agent, in the case of the Doherty Institute, a human sample supposed to be infected with the SARSCOV2 virus.  Marvin Haberland, a young German engineer and virology researcher, was astute enough to question this Doherty Institute pseudo-experiment, and the Doherty Institute under FOI (Freedom of Information) and confirmed that the Doherty Institute never carried out a control experiment, thereby scientifically invalidating there findings.   Further, a great German biologist Dr Stefan Lanka showed through running the missing Doherty Institute control experiment that the results using a placebo (inert substance) resulted in exactly the same experimental outcome.





Marvin Haberland was fined by the German Covid19 authorities and refused to pay the fine, so he was taken to court.





Marvin Haberland won his case in Germany heard on the 26th April 2023.   This is now hard scientific and legal evidence for MAHA to raise in our up and coming Australian Federal Court Class Action that the SARSCOV2 virus does not exist hence Covid19 does not exist since it is meant to be caused by the non-existent SARSCOV2 virus meaning Covid19 is a total fraud.   In addition there is a great deal of proof that the PCR test and associated false positives that were used to create the false Covid19 cases, is completely false and cannot be used to test for a disease.


A Portuguese court confirmed this.





As did a request for retraction of the original Drostin paper recommending the PCR test to test for SARSCOV2 and hence Covid19.








​Further huge amounts of evidence are available to MAHA confirming that the Covid19 Plandemic has been falsely constructed to enable the distribution of otherwise illegal, dual purpose gain of function poisonous bio-warfare mRNA based nanotechnology gene altering injections and other lethal and harmful nano substances by the United States of America Department of Defence.


What has been called the SARSCOV2 virus is a chimeric (made by humans) in silico (only exists in computers, created by human imagination) biological poison developed for bio-warfare.





In addition we have hard evidence that the Australian TGA has hidden death statistics in order to support the false Australian Government Covid19 injection narrative.








With these simple facts which will be presented via the MAHA Class Action to the Australian Federal Court we have proved the falsity of the entire Covid19 Plandemic Australians rejoice You are about to be compensated for this hugely destructive shocking lethal and injurious fraud that the Australian Governments have inflicted on us all.





We trust justice will be served upon all those complicit in this genocidal agenda.

November 26, 2024.    Dr Mike Yeardon delivers the Silver Bullet

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