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‘to thine own self be true’ 

- Polonius. Hamlet.
William Shakespeare

Holyword is a collective of independent visionary artisans birthing a cultural renaissance; Kingdom storytellers creatively providing healing and visionary guidance at this time of transition;  devoted to care of all of God's creation as guiding lights paving the way forward. 


Poets, thespians, visual artists, musicians, comedians, activists and doctors of of mind, body and spirit walking together in the spirit; anointed, heart-centred and holy spirit lead.   Jesus said there is more I would like to tell you but you cannot bear it at this time.  


We are ready now, thank you Jesus.   We have sharpened our spiritual swords to discern a deeply expanded view embracing egalitarianism, divine union and the multi-dimensional cosmic reality of existence.


We have woken up and remembered who we are as Christed beings.   Thank you Jesus.  We have wriggled out of the shackles of control and manipulation.  We are pure love beyond fear.   Our message is simple.


We acknowledge we live in a populated universe.  There is no separation from ourselves and source, as described by the Apostle Paul in Act 17 to describe the concept of God in a non-religious way.


To arrive at this place we needed to walk through the fires and ask to be shown the truth no matter what it did to previous perspectives as our consciousness evolved. 


Our team includes a cornucopia of elders, academics and biblical scholars who are pulling apart old stories of colonisation and corrupted narratives to liberate our foundation story with a kaleidoscope of ideas, theologies and practices including cosmic and ancient stories that have not been told until now.


There is no place in our world for manipulative religious teachings that build on false dogma and separation anxiety.   Source expresses itself through all of humanity, all of creation. 


Each story, song, performance or artwork will present an enlightened view of care through the tender voice that has been suppressed by a corrupted and infiltrated patriarchy.   Jesus Christ fulfilled the old testament law and we are now an entirely new creation.  Through Jesus Christ of Nazareth we are free.   Christ lives in our hearts and the living word of God is at the foundation of every message we transmit.  


Our purpose is to activate the new way, the decolonised narrow path to the Kingdom.


Where Hollyword corrupted our stories, Holyword restores the organic blueprint of humanity for life beyond these inverted times that have tried to steal our essence and convert humanity into trans-human cyborgs.   We are restoring our frequencies to 432 Hz from the distorted 440 hz to come back into balance with the natural rhythm of life.  


Truth heals.  Creativity rules.    Let the floodgates to revival open.   The spirit of man has ruled long enough.  We pray for the people and a pure unadulterated move of the feminine holy spirit uplifting humanity and setting the vision.   We trust in the one God only and pray for his will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.


Welcome to Holyword.


Time to raise the dead.  


All glory to God.

The Eagle and the Condor prophecy of the Amazon, which has origins in different Indigenous cultures throughout this region, speaks of long ago when human societies split into two different paths—that of the Eagle and that of the Condor.


Some versions of this prophecy state that the path of the Eagle is the path of the mind, of the industrial, and of the masculine, while the path of the Condor is the path of heart, of intuition, and of the feminine. 


The Eagle and Condor prophecy says that the 1490's would begin a 500-year period during during which the Eagle people would become so powerful that they would nearly drive the Condor people out of existence.


The prophecy says that during the next 500-year period, beginning in 1990, the potential would arise for the Eagle and the Condor to come together, to fly in the same sky, and to create a new level of consciousness for humanity.


The prophecy only speaks of the potential, so it's up to humanity to activate this potential and ensure that a new consciousness is allowed to arise.​


Our vision and strategy is to activate all of God's children to focus solely on the creation of

God's Kingdom, through Christ Jesus of Nazareth.


Our mission is to come together as God's Army at this time of transformation to a higher frequency of existence as directed by Christ Jesus.

“Enter through the narrow gate.   For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.   But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."    


Matthew 7:13-14



Bridget Ninness' own story was the catalyst for Holyword.  She hopes to contribute to raising the collective consciousness into the frequency of love, kindness, compassion, care and community.  She embodies the truly feminine heart of the ancient mother, embodied and activated in Christ as an annoited Kingdom storyteller/co-creator.


​Bridget has gathered extensive experience, over a quarter of a century,  as a senior creative / producer (executive) / director / researcher & investigative journalist in the Australian media creating programs that defined the Australian culture.


In 2009 she was asked to tender for the role of head of Art & Culture for the Central Coast when the community was preparing for change.   Holyword, the evolution of Hollywood, is a portal for stories, art and music that have the ability to guide the future world knowing true change happens in the heavens and then on earth. 


She is well qualified to speak about change, adaptation and transformation as a consequence of her journey through the soul and emergence with universal stories for the collective. 


As a member of the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance she adheres to their Journalist Code of Ethics.





She is a supporter of their Hands off our ABC campaign. 




Her creative nom de plume is MarYam Saffire BoVardia.


Alleluia.  Selah.


To follow the old story tune into her social media accounts as follows...



  • Lady Saffire BoVardia
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn

To tune into the new story let's start here at and see where we end up...

Copyright 2018 The Holyword Foundation © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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