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The City of Heaven Foundation is a private, not-for-profit, non-governmental, tax exempt community based organisation established to encourage, foster and support the maintenance and best interests of Mankind, including the social and environmentally sustainable self-sufficiency of Mankind, the spiritual advancement of humanity, the advancement of the arts, science and true learning, the regeneration of all life on earth and any other purposes beneficial to humanity including the giving and receiving of financial and other resources and contributions.


We are living men and women created by the Divine; spirit filled beings with unalienable rights gifted by our divine creator.  These rights cannot be taken away, nor usurped by any man-made Legislation, Laws or Corporations, Statutes or Regulations whatsoever, howsoever, unless by the conscious consent of the living man or woman.















We operate under God's law which is superior jursidiction to all corporate entities which are inferior.


The primary purpose of the City of Heaven Foundation is to fund, facilitate, implement and operate projects and enterprises that are as sustainable in the atmosphere and environment on earth as possible such as cyclic recycling and education of the less privileged.  The projects and enterprises are particularly to support, sustain and benefit the 'Participants' in such projects, enterprises and communities globally.


Our first project is to raise all funds necessary to establish Pastor Chisom Azuaru's holy spirit filled Groves of Glory church and provide the means to support all associated projects to care for and educate children in the word and heart of Jesus Christ and give Christ-centred support and sustinance that results in a world of fresh dispensation of the eternal and only TRUTH.


We invite you to become a benefactor of the foundation and welcome all donations to help us with our important work to elevate Groves of Glory.


The City of Heaven Foundation

Westpac Bank.  Woy Woy.  NSW.  Australia


BSB:  032-527


Copyright 2018 The Holyword Foundation © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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